Monday, August 2, 2010

Greetings from the woods

Here and now I find myself just a few hours from finishing up my first weekend with the family in what will be known as our "summerstuga"...or our Summer house...kind of cool because it implies a certain sentiment of..well..."yep...we bought an extra place to live in.." kind of mentality...when the the reality of the situation is..."what the hell did we just do?!?"....This place is old!! I would not trade this first weekend in what will---for now be known as..."The OTHER Kennedy Compound"...not sure how long that will last..but I have always felt like we (my family from Blanchard, Oklahoma) were the OTHER Kennedys..sure there might be some Irish blood flowing around here...but suffice it to say that maybe it's just not the same as those boys up in Mass...yep, I write M-a-s-s...because I can't spell the rest of it!!
On Probation from the "Mans Club":
Ok...the first thing I buy myself after the purchase of this a 4 cycle (better for the environment) handle bar, 3 different kinds of heads, shoulder harness attatched, will cut down anything not protected under the United Nations declaration of weeds not to cut down...Weed in's called a "Trimmer"...I call it a "Man Machine" first purchase (after creating more debt than I ever had with just the singing of my name)...Now I can cut stuff to pieces just by starting this thing, putting on the shoulder harness and pulling the trigger...I was I will give you a shortned version of exactly how everything went down..
First: Read and re-read the owners manuel...associate myself (somewhat) with what is what...Second: begin to put the device together...realize there is already something hooked up...come into the reality that "Hey, it can't be that hard!"..Flash 10 minutes later...I have put oil into the machine..I have put gas into the machine...I have attached the two pieces of machine and made it one enormous, weed shredding machine.....all the way until the head simply flies off...that's right...the head to my super duper, gas powered, good for the environment machine just flies about 4 feet from where I was working and sits peacefully on the ground. So, me being the machine nerd that I am, thinks, "Now would be a good time to try that metal, super trimmer blade!" Well let me just fast forward through the eurphoria of actually figuring out how to put the blade the actual start using it phase...well my first thought was "well, this is some serious vibrations going on here...something doesn't feel..." at this time the lower half of my machine twists in half and falls to the ground...I have no idea what happened...I kind of stand there in this beautiful place in Västra Götaland and stare out into the woods with a kind of satisfaction that nobody saw what happened, but the realization that now would be a good time for a nice glass of I do what can only be my ticket to keep my Man license, at least for an extended probation period..I have a glass of wine and continue to work on the make a long story short, I get a different cutting device attatched to the machine and a go crazy for about 20 minutes...I mean nothing is too big or too small to meet it's destiny with my super duper trimmer latched on to my right hip (because the instruction said I MUST run the machine from my right side...)
Well..I get done and as I put the machine up for the evening...I see, one half of my high powered, show no mercy, string is wrapped (several times) around the part of the machine that is not supposed to have string wrapped around it...oh well...maybe I am on probation for a period of time until I figure out how to run the Super Weed Eater..until then..block...block like there is no tomorrow..block like you can make a difference..and I promise you, you will....

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