Friday, May 7, 2010

May is here

Well now we have made it to May. That is the good news, the bad news is that I am still wearing my jacket and long pants!! I am sure that the weather will warm up for real soon...I am looking forward to the official "shorts" season!!
Football has been off and running. We have finished "pre-season" camp now and will move into game week next Tuesday. We will open up against STU Northside Bulls on Saturday night May 15th at 19.00. Needless to say I am looking forward to getting the season up and running.
Our club, The Arlanda Jets, is totally committed to building a club with a very wide base. That means a committment to youth football. We have been trying hard to build from U-11 up. For the past 3 weeks we have had 20+ U-11 players at practice. We have now had a parent meeting and are getting some fantastic parents involved which is critical for the support of the project. Our next plan is going into effect now. It is to send out a flyer to every household in the Sigtuna Kommune that has a child that is between the ages of 9-11 and invite them to try an U-11 or U-13 practice. The interesting thing about this project is that we are sending out over 1300 you do the math...if we get a 5% return on this effort we can have 3-4 new teams of kids in that age group. It will be interesting to see if this idea works. We have talked about it for a while now and I am looking forward to doubling our numbers in Pee-wee football.
Last Tuesday evening we had a scrimmage with the 86er's. I felt like we did alright. We ran some plays well and others not so well, but all in all I was pleased as to where we are right now. They ran a couple of different looks and the QB's did a good job of getting us in the right plays. We ran the option well and were able to take advantage of the play-action passing game. I was very pleased with our 3 step boot concept. Good decisions were made and I think this can be an effective weapon for us this year.

Here is a shot of a well run option vs a 4-3 cover 2 look. We are "reading the stack" here and using the basic stalk block of the perimeter. Our 20 year old QB, Pontus Blomgren does a good job of decision making here and it is a nice shot...
Another play that I thought was nice is the using the "Stretch Concept" out of play action. If we are effective at running the option and making the right decisions, it will force a defense to use their safety to support the option. When that happens, it can make the Stretch route hard to cover. Here is a vidoe of our first official Play-action pass of the season. this is a side shot and the action is the same as our base triple option play.
Needless to say, having practiced before this scrimmage, as opposed to our first two with Tyresö, we actually feel a little better. We'll see how things go this season, but if we can continue on the path we are on, then we should be able to perform well this seaon....
Here is a "shout out" to Samuel Gustav William Kennedy...he turns 4 years old on May 10th. The same day that is "Mormor" (mothers mother in swedish) has a birthday and his cousin Cooper Kennedy back in the Good old USA. So May 10 is a big day in two countries!!
Until next post...I hope that you can protect the QB, generate movement, maintain leverage...and never underestimate the power of the cut-block...